Izzy was excited. Today was the day she would get to grant her first human wish! Sure it would probably be a boring wish like someone wanting a new pair of shoes, a pet cat or something equally average. But still, she'd get to not only meet a human for the first time but grant an actual wish! She skipped down the hall with her wand hung around her neck in necklace form. She stopped at the fancy marble doors that led to the hall of wishes, adjusted her light blue shirt for at least the tenth time that day, took a deep breath, and stepped inside. Bright glowing orbs of light bobbed and floated around the room occasionally bumping into one another. An intricately carved marble arch stood in the center of the room. She knew it would turn into a portal to bring her to the human world once a wish chose her. It wasn’t long before one of the orbs floated towards her and settled in her outstretched palm. Izzy’s smile got even bigger. As she walked towards the arch the portal began to materialize. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and stepped through the portal.
Izzy appeared in a lovely garden at dusk. The full moon shone brightly, illuminating the girl who was sitting at the edge of the fountain facing the opposite direction. As Izzy approached she thought she heard what sounded like quiet sobs.
“Hi,” Izzy said softly. “What’s wrong?” The girl jumped making her blond curls bounce and spun around to face Izzy. Tears streamed down the girl’s face. Her dress was dirty and ragged. The girl who seamed to be around Izzy’s age quickly wiped away her tears looking embarrassed to be caught crying.
“Sorry. . . It’s just that I wanted to go to the Prince’s ball but my step sisters said I couldn't go.” It took Izzy a moment to remember how to speak. She was talking to a human! An actual real life human!
“What’s your name?” Izzy asked the girl.
“Ella.” The girl responded
“Did you wish that you could go to the ball?” Izzy asked, trying to keep her mind on track, which is not an easy thing for her.
“Something like that,” Ella says. “Who are you?”
“My name is Izzy, I’m here to grant your wish.”
Ella looked Izzy up and down skeptically. “You’re my fairy godmother?”
“Excuse me?” Izzy said, sounding offended. “Do I look old enough to be a godmother to you? I’m only 14.”
“If you're not a fairy godmother then what are you?” Ella asked.
“I’m a wish granting fairy.” Said Izzy, who was quite annoyed by Ella's attitude.
“Well excuse me, wish granting fairy.” Ella said sarcastically.
“Do you want to go to the ball or not?”
“Of course I want to go.”
“Okay, then I'll fix your dress." Izzy took her wand off of her necklace and it returned to it's normal size. She waved her wand in an intricate pattern, rainbow sparkles flying out of the tip and on to Ella's Dress. The sparkles transformed her old dress into a gorgeous silver ballgown. Ella spun around in delight her dress glittering more than freshly fallen snow does in early morning sunlight which, as every fairy knows is an obvious sign that illusion fairy dust has been used.
"That was pretty impressive," Ella admitted begrudgingly.
"Thank you." Izzy said with a dazzling smile.
"I still don't know how I'm supposed to get to the ball though." Ella says then adds "It's not like I have a carriage." Izzy looked around and spotted a pumpkin and with some transfiguration and a lot of illusion fairy dust she turned the pumpkin into a golden pumpkin carriage. Then using more illusion fairy dust she turned small animals into four horses, a driver and a footman. She turned back around and saw Ella staring in shock at the pumpkin carriage.
"Wow," Ella breathed. Izzy smiled at the compliment and magically created a pair of crystal slippers since she had noticed that Ella's shoes didn't fit her any more and were pretty beat up. Izzy handed Ella the shoes.
"How can I ever Thank you?" Ella asked
"No need," Izzy told her. "The magic will wear off in a few hours so go have fun at the ball." With a smile and a wave goodbye Ella climbed into the carriage and was off to the ball. Izzy smiled happy that she had granted her first wish and looked around for the portal that would bring her back home. It was nowhere to be seen.